Baked chicken Marinara Recipe

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Baked chicken Marinara

Name: Lore Johnson
Base: Holloman AFB
Recipe: Ingredients: 4-5 Boneless skinless chicken breasts/ 1 jar of "five Brothers" Marinara & Burgandy Wine/ garlic powder/ monerey jack cheese slices/ Preheat oven to 375. Coat each chicken breast with garlic powder. Spray a skillet with cooking spray and cook chicken breast until just browned on both sides. Transfer to a 9x13 baking pan/dish. Pour whole jar of sauce over top. Bake in oven for 25 minutes. Remove from oven, top each breast with monerey jack cheese slices. Put back in oven for 5 minutes more. You can boil 8 0z of your favorite pasta and mix it with extra sauce as a side dish. Great with garlic bread and a salad!!!