M'rs Recipe

Military Coupon Savings


Name: Jacqueline Mills
Base: Brunswick ME
Recipe: Pain D'Epice.(sort of sweet bread. ) French holiday favorite.Store several days before using. 1 1/4 Cups honey,1teasp.baking soda;about 1 cup boiling water;2Tablespoons anisette;2 tablespoons rum;3/4 cup sugar;1 1/2teaspoons salt;1teaspoon baking powder;orange peel;sliced almonds. Preheat Oven 350.F Butter 9x5 loaf pan,line with waxed paper,butter the paper to.Pour honey into large mixing bowl.Put baking soda into a half-cup measure and add boilng water to fill.Add to honey along with another half-cup boiling water,anisette and rum.Stir in sugar,salt,baking powder, orange peel and flour.Mix well.Pour Batter into the pan and decorate top with almonds.Bake for 1 1/2 hours,or until cake tester comes out clean.Let stand in pan for5 mn and invert on cake rack.Cool,remove paper, wrap in foil.