Jay's Speedy Chilli Recipe

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Jay's Speedy Chilli

Name: Jay Fisher
Base: Redstone Arsenal Alabama
Recipe: 1 Lb Hamburger, 2ea 141/2 oz cans del monte stewed tomatoes (original recipe),3/4 can of Campbells tomato juice (46 fl oz can), 2ea 15 oz cans red kidney beans, 1 tbl spn grd sage, 1 med onion diced, 2 stalks celery diced, 3 tbl spns parsley, 3 tbl spns brn sugar. In a large soup pot 8 quart size fry your hamburger, onions and celery until the hamburger is done, add 3/4 can campbell tomato juice, 2 cans kidney beans, parsley, brown sugar, sage. Bring to boil for 30 to 45 min. If the chilli thickens too much add more tomato juice.(if you like it hot add hot sauce or cayenne pepper) then enjoy.