Homemade Rice-A-Roni Recipe

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Homemade Rice-A-Roni

Name: Patricia Lewis
Base: Fort Jackson; Columbia, SC 29207
Recipe: 1 cup long cook white rice 1 cup spaghetti noodles broken into small pieces 1 stick butter or oleo 2 cups boiling water Melt the butter or oleo in a 12 inch skillet. Add the rice and spaghetti noodles. Stir on medium heat until browned and golden. Add the boiling water and stir well. Cover and tun heat to low. You can add boulion cubes in chicken, beef or vegtable flavor when adding the boiling water. After water has evaporated fluff with a fork. Enjoy with your favorite meat or chicken dish and a side salad or vegtable! Been making this for many years and is better than the boxed Rice-A-Roni