Pork Azteca Recipe

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Pork Azteca

Name: Edith Bermudez
Base: Ft Bliss
Recipe: In a frying pan: Mix 3tblsp of Morrell lard (may substitute with oil) with 4lbs of pork cubed (preferably with bones) 6 to 8 dried bay leaves A pinch of salt Sprinkle evenly 1 tsp of ground cumin Cook all ingredients until pork is a bit toasty (The idea is to cook the pork like carnitas) Then pour in your favorite brand of Mexican Red Chile PUREE, 1 jar Immediately, add a bulk of fresh and rinsed Spinach (cut off stems) Mix all ingredients gently, Cover and cook for 10 minutes in low/medium heat. And enjoy with your Mexican rice and whole pinto beans!!! To make own puree: In a bowl soak red chili pods in lukewarm water for 3 to 6 hrs(keep stirring occasionally) Keep in mind they should be rinsed first. When pods are soaked, remove the stem and place them in the blender. Pour the same water from the bowl to fill about 3/4 of the blender. Add 4 whole garlic cloves, 1 tsp of ground cumin, and salt at preference. Blend on High (grind setting) until it is puree. Finally just Sift the puree, to hold the seeds and hard skins of pods. This recipe was passed down from my family from Delicias, Mexico. They claim, it came from the Aztecs.