Fabulous ICE COFFEE or FRAPPE for fraction of the Recipe

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Fabulous ICE COFFEE or FRAPPE for fraction of the

Name: Carol Clouser
Base: coffee
Recipe: 1 C strong coffee ( Hot or cold) I usually make a pot and put it in the refrig in a container. 1/4 C half and half creamer 1/2 C milk ( any) 1/2 tsp Vanilla or Any flavor extract or flavoring. Honey or sugar to taste. Make your coffee.. Add to your coffee, flavoring, honey or sugar and mix into your coffee. add creamer and milk in the cup of ice. add coffee mixture into the ice mixture. Stir and enjoy! To make a frappe just add all ingredients into blender and top with whip cream! Garnish with chocolate syrup if desired. For a Mocha Ice coffee or frappe add chocolate syrup the possibilities are endless. This is a great fast way to have your coffee with out the big price.