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FT Irwin

We have been stationed here at NTC for nearly a year and I HATED EVERY MINUTE OF IT! Now my husband has to deploy (which is his job and I don't have a problem with) and I am stuck in the middle of nowhere! If you need to go shopping you better figure in a whole day, 'cause you got to go to Victorville. They are finally widening the deathtrap that is called Ft Irwin Road, it took 5 years mainly because of the desert tortoise, guess they are more important than all the lifes lost on this road in the last few years alone. This post is so political it is not even in the least bit funny anymore, and now the Army is talking about having soldiers and their families stationed here for 7 years! I guess the divorce rate will go up immensly, but hey, if the Uncle Sam wanted you to have a family you would have gotten issued one.... Well, I guess I vented a bit, made me feel a little better!

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